Generative Design for Dummies

For Dummies

Reading time: 91 seconds + Video (32 seconds)

I hope you don´t mind me commenting on the video from the beach…

In the last couple of years, multiple startups in the architecture field have been experimenting with Generative Design.

I haven´t been able to try many of them yet.

But the idea here is to define a specific plot to generate multiple options for the building you are looking for.

And they provide you with a 3d model, plans, climate analysis, areas, etc…

I see how this can be useful for typical buildings with very well-defined conditions (specific regulations are something that will affect how useful this software is for you).

In my case, I am more interested in what is behind Generative Design: how it works, and how I can create my own (flexible) algorithms.

I just find it super fun.

Everything I have learned about Generative Design has been AUTODIDACTA self-taught.

I figured it out by myself.

Check out Daniel Nagy Youtube Channel. He has some cool stuff about Gen Design.

I mostly learned by researching on my own and testing out how to apply it in real-world projects, and other areas...

For example, I do Generative Art: which uses the same principles of Generative Design, but instead of for architecture/engineering…. for art.

If you are interested check my Twitter profile.

Thanks to Gen Art I have participated in exhibitions in Spain, Germany, Japan, and China.

While making some money…

So, to me. Learning about the processes of creating Generative Design algorithms is very enriching and a lot of fun.

I want to share my process with all of you.

I have created a first YouTube video for a series I called “GENERATIVE DESIGN FOR DUMMIES”.

From the veeery basics.

It is very high-level, I am not even showing the Grasshopper Script here or how I made it.

And yes I am commenting on the video from the beach.


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