The Story of My Promotion...

To Head of Computational Design


I was promoted to Lead Designer + Head of Computational Design for OBMI Miami some months ago.

Me: Isma Sanz (Sketchup Lover)


Around a year and a half ago, my family and I relocated to Miami, from Spain.

My wife got an offer, and we decided to move.

I was working on Arup in Madrid (after 9 years living in Hong Kong) and I decided to leave to take a little break.

And help at home with the adaptation to the USA.

I spent some months working on a couple of personal projects (generative art and crypto stuff).

When I decided I was ready to go back to work, I started applying for jobs online.

I didn´t get many replies back.

And I thought I had a great background and experience… 😆 

Then, my friend who works for an interior design firm here in Miami, connected me with OBMI.

I had three interviews with them, the first one, with the Design Technology Director.

He was the one who understood my background in Design + Computation.


I was very excited after the conversations I had with him.

This studio is in a change phase, and he wanted somebody to push the part related to computational design.

Perfect! 😀 

They made me an offer.

But the position didn´t say anything about that: Project Designer (quite plain) 🤔 


I didn´t negotiate much…

The vision of the Design Tech Director, aligned very much with what I love and wanted to do.

So I accepted the offer.

But with one condition: 👇️ 

After 6 months, I want us to sit together and revise the impact I have brought to the project.

If I prove with facts the extra value that I bring, I want to revise my role.

After 6 months, the partner told me something like: “Great stuff Isma, you got the promotion”

Now I am Head of Computational Design

But, what does that mean in this studio?

Also, what did I do during those 6 months to get promoted?

I am so glad you ask…




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